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Our Story

MG Tec Industry is a relatively new family business in the Romania’s rapidly growing hygienic tissue market. However, it was launched by entrepreneurs, including founder Ioan Tecar and CEO Dorin Mocan, who have nearly 20 years of experience in the industry, for example installing four new tissue machines before MG TEC Industry was born.


Established in 2018 in the Transylvanian town of Dej, the company launched a greenfield project by starting building factories for absorbent products and hygienic sanitary goods. The implementation period extends to 5 years, reaching an investment of almost 100 000 000 euro.


The factories are located in Dej, a town with a rich tradition and long history of pulp, paper and hygiene goods production.
Here, for more then 40 years, a very big pulp and paper plant (CCH Dej) was active, being the beating heart of the town. After the fall of the communism, the company became Somes Dej and in the end, went bankrupt in 2013.


This history continued its course and between 2012 and 2015 a new factory of hygienic products was built in Dej by Pehart Tec, over 45 000 000 euro being invested in the project.
Pehart Tec, another historical big paper producing company, was earlier 2005 bought and revitalized by Dej based MG Tec Grup.  In 2017 the company was sold by Mg Tec to Abris Capital Partners.

The rich history of the area in the industry, the vast know how, the tremendous experience of the work force available and the expertise of our partners, represents for sure a steady foundation upon which the new company is set for success.

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